Hackathons for Beginners
Why is understanding technology important?
Seeing and experiencing the maker side of things is an empowering feeling. You’ll see all the products and devices you use in a new way, when you know what’s happening behind the curtains. There’s a whole new world that opens up into different shapes and sizes, where you see code, all sorts of technology and engineering in new dimensions. Coding, programming, or telling any machine what to do is a way to get things done quicker, safer, faster, better, in huge quantities or specific precision - often again and again. It can help you to self express, given the range of new things one is able to do with a little bit of code literacy!
We are not aiming to make anyone a programmer during a few days - but rather give an easy and inspirational way of trying what it’s like to build something functional on your own (with awesome tutors and a fun group)!
What is a hackathon?
Hackathons are marathons of programming. People get together to program and build things for usually 48 or 72 hours and in the end, present their projects. In most hackathons best teams are awarded with prizes but that is usually just a side-effect to learning and having fun together.
Hackathons usually have a broad theme like open data or transportation but the ideas and the technologies used can vary a lot between teams. Some projects continue living after the hackathon and some are just one-off fun projects that are forgotten after the event.
Our hackathons - mehackit’s and Rails Girls - are pre-planned themes, and involve talks and games in addition to getting to build awesome stuff.
Why participate in a hackathon?
Hackathons might sound scary. Brr! To ease you - we have cupcakes and you’ll never want to leave. Hackathons are an excellent place to learn programming and prototyping while having a ton of fun.
Hackathons are not only for professional coders but are also a great place to learn programming. People are willing to help and offer their expertise and nothing teaches you faster than building stuff. If you already know how to program, you can choose a new technology or experiment on something goofy. At Rails Girls and mehackit, we have teams and coaches, so you’ll have support at your hands at all times!
Hackathons are also a great place to meet new, like-minded people. When you start programming, the easiest and nicest way to continue is with friends who want to do the same. Socializing is a big part of hackathons and working together with someone for 48 hours gives ground for friendship.
Who are Mehackit and Rails Girls?
Rails Girls is a global network of Ruby language programmers, who welcome new people to the community all around the world from Tokyo to Buenos Aires. Consider it a large family, that organizes events so that more people can join the fun! Rails Girls events are two-day workshops for curious women, who want to see what the magic in software programming is about.
Mehackit brings beginners courses in robotics and coding to schools around Finland. Mehackit’s aim is to empower the generation of technology users to become technology-savvy makers. The initial spark and curiosity can take you places! In 2015, there will be 30+ high schools where you can enroll in the voluntary 7-week course, and learn how to build an arduino robot from electronic bits and wires and code!
How to participate?
You can apply to Rails Girls here and mehackit here All you need with you is curiosity and a laptop. However, if you want to have a go at some exercises in advance, here’s a few links! :)